Tablescape Starter Kit

I have shared a couple of tablescapes in her in the past month (one for Labor Day and one for fall). I thought it may be helpful to share what items I use over and over again when creating these kinds of tablescapes. Some of these are items you probably already have around your house and others are things that will accumulate over time. I keep everything in a basket so it is ready to go for when I want to create a tablescape.

Floral Wire. Whenever I am putting together a floral arrangement, I try to have this on had. I don’t use it every single time, but it can be useful when laying greens across a table, creating a larger floral arrangement or hanging florals somewhere.

Floral Tape. This is another one that makes creating an arrangement a lot easier. I tend to use this when laying greens across a table or creating a garland. This is definitely not necessary, but can be helpful!

Floral Blocks. These are blocks that you soak in water then use as a base for flower arrangements. Obviously you can only use these in opaque vases, but they are super useful! These help keep the flowers in a specific place and provide them with water.

Scotch Tape. A super simple item that most people have around the house. Obviously this could be used in a myriad of ways. In general, this is the secret weapon of a lot of my floral arrangements. Use it to create a criss cross pattern across the vase for a more full look.

Scissors. Use it to cut flowers, trim wicks, etc. Just a goo thing to have around. You never know when they will come in handy!

Misc. Vases. Is it just me or does everyone have a random assortment of vases lying around the house? Just me? Great. I don’t think you necessarily need to go out of your way to buy vases, just for the sake of having vases. Instead, I have collected them over time when I have needed them for one reason or another.

Tea Lights/Votive Holders. I tend to use these in most tablescapes and like to have them on hand. You can normally get like 50-100 of them for $10 depending on where you purchase them. A tea light is a tea light and not something you really need to splurge on. Just something simple that can add a little extra something to the table.

Candlesticks/Candlestick Holders. Along the same line as the tea lights, candlesticks are relatively inexpensive and holders don’t have to be expensive either. I live using candlesticks in tablescapes because it sets such a lovely ambiance.

Misc. Decor. After you starting creating tables capes, you will undoubtedly accumulate a few random decorations. When I am creating a tables cape and I have add these types of things, I always make sure they are versatile and can be reused in a different way. I look for items that are of similar tone and style so they can work together.

Tablecloth Weights. These are more for the summer months when I am creating a scape outside. These are a lifesaver when it is windy outside. They help make sure everything stays in place and nothing goes flying off the table by accident.

I know this list can seem overwhelming, but can be built over time as you need the items. Once you do have them, it will make things super easy. Until next time, friends… CML